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Sew Meaningful Saturday!

Can one stitch really make a difference? Maybe not, but a bit of peaceful Craftivism protesting doesn't hurt anyone, and who knows it may...

Potty about Pixels!

Today has been spent experimenting with pixilation in preparation for the large scale collage piece. Using previously created painted...

Can you tell what it is yet?

Over the past few days work the prototypes for the mix n match spindle toys have gone into production. The quandary was how to theme them...

Day One: Let the Planning Begin!

Work has begun today on an exciting arts project. Welcome to the first blog post of "Be Anything Do Anything". The planned arts project...

All Booked Up!

Skippings Gallery, King Street, Great Yarmouth is all booked for our upcoming exhibition. From 1st to 4th May 2019 Skippings Gallery, 133...

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