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Day One: Let the Planning Begin!

Emma Scales

Updated: Feb 14, 2019

Work has begun today on an exciting arts project.

Welcome to the first blog post of "Be Anything Do Anything". The planned arts project will take place in Great Yarmouth area and is intended to empower young children to strive to achieve greater career aspirations along with increasing their creative skills and showcasing their works at Skippings Gallery from 1st - 4th May 2019.

You can be anything ...

"I can be anything I can see anything You can teach anything I can reach anything I can do anything So can you Anything that you try, Look and see You can be anything"

Disney's Sofia the First “Anything”

Get Inspired

Please keep checking back for updates on the project. To find out more about what we're about look check out #dreambigprincess #beanything #beanythingdoanything #dauntlessdaughters #mrspandamakes #everychildmatters #skippingsgallery


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