On Friday 8th March 2019 the Be Anything Do Anything project was invited in to work with Miss Franklin's class (1A) of Woodlands Primary Academy.
As in previous sessions the children were initially shown a presentation introducing the project and it soon became apparent that the children enjoyed discussions a great deal and were keen to chat about the themes of the project. It was pleasing to note that their views on job roles were not stereotypical at this age, however whether this is a true reflection of how children of a similar age think is yet to be proven, but it's a positive start for future hopes of equality.
On questioning the class on their future career aspirations, it became evident that they had clear and high aspirations, there were at least 3 astronauts, 4 vets and 6 police officers. Once the discussion was over the creative work could begin, a series of activities were planned for the session including;
Job Role faces
Collaged people
Space Rockets
Sticker hat drawings

People of the world. The children decorated pre-cut skin tone body shapes with a variety of tissue papers and drawing. The happy colourful people will make a great addition to the community of people in the galleries display which have also been created in the other sessions.
Job role faces. A selection of skin tone faces were made available along with a variety of coloured papers. Pre-printed job hats (firefighter, pilot, police, chef, army, builder) were given for the children to colour in what ever way they wanted. Below are the fun and friendly results they produced. Some children chose the opportunity to create a self portrait, where as other spent time making different hairstyles for their characters.
Sticker drawn pictures, the children were given a selection of job hat stickers from police, firefighter, chef to princesses. From these stickers they created people and depictions of what they may want to be when they grow up.
Space Rocket creations using collage techniques different shaped cardboard shapes, glitter glue, paint and stickers. The children worked out how many shapes they would need to spell out their name then completed their rocket with other coloured shapes and then decorated their space landscapes.
Examples of the colouring completed by the children.
It appeared that the children enjoyed the works they created during the session and it is hoped that the children will bring their family and friends to the special event day planned on Saturday 4th May at Skippings Gallery, where other creative activities will be available to everyone along with a larger scales artwork planned for the day. The children's artworks of 1A will prove a cheerful and colourful addition to the display in May and will give the children an opportunity to show their families their creations in an alternative display space to the school walls.
The exhibition will be open to all from 1st - 4th May 2019 11am - 2pm at Skippings Gallery, 133 King Street, Great Yarmouth, NR30 2PQ.