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Exhibition Evaluation

Emma Scales

Set Up

On entering the gallery on Monday 29th April with a clear idea of how things were going to be set up work began constructing the string frame from which the works would be hung with mini pegs. Using a colour scheme of thread to match the project logo red, aqua and yellow string was utilised. The gallery was quite restrictive to how works could be erected, old holes were used where possible and string was attached to piping and various items throughout the gallery to avoid any damage to walls. The string was put up in such a manner to enable all works to be seen from different angles.

Skippings requested that any holes created were made good once the exhibition was complete, therefore it was felt that the need to limit the number of holes created during set up would reduce the clean up timeframe after the event. Small nails were used in most of the displays to mitigate any potential damage, most of the walls in the gallery were plaster board which meant the nails were easily used to hold the work up.

The space themed area required the background to be black, several rolls of black paper were used to create this backdrop, these were affixed to foam boards with staples. This proved a difficult task to complete single handed, this was good learning for any future display where utilising a second pair of hands would help to ensure the work was hung in a straight manner whilst also speeding up the process. There were several hanging works in the space area, so a string frame needed to be weaved across the ceiling to give a large display area. The space area proved to be the most time-consuming area of the exhibition both with its set-up and display of the artworks, however it was felt that this area had the most interest during the exhibition.

Space Area

The window displays required additional help to erect, due to the height of the ceiling weight of the poles and use of step ladder in a restricted space, Rachel Harrison and Matthew Harrison helped with the installation of the window displays to ensure it was done in a safe manner.

Consideration needed to be made with regards to health and safety, to ensure all eventualities were covered, several signs were created;

  • CAUTION: Low hanging artworks please mind your head

  • Please do not pull on the artworks Thank you

  • Please supervise children at all times Thank you

Another safety concern which was observed was the condition of the floors in certain areas of the gallery which could prove themselves to be a trip hazard. The decision was made to block this area off with two tables to mitigate any potential hazards.

Set up of the exhibition was completed by 10.45am on Wednesday 1st May, just in time for opening at 11.00am. This was a good learning experience for future exhibitions, to ensure that more time is given to setting up, also enlisting help would assist in setting up in a timelier manner.

Gallery Frontage Display

Photos of the exhibition display

Venue Location

During the set-up process it became apparent that the area in which the gallery is situated is heavily deprived with minimal security, therefore it was felt that for safety reasons an additional person would be beneficial to ensure the exhibition was effectively covered throughout the opening hours. Confounding this there is also a lack of businesses and a shortage of suitable footfall traffic within the area to produce large visitor numbers for the opening hours (11am-2pm), which were carried out Wednesday to Friday. It was noted that there was concerns for safety by certain individuals visiting the exhibit from outside the area due to the groups of people along King Street which they found intimidating, this apprehension would need to be considered for future exhibition successes. It was also noted that opening hours for the Wednesday to Friday were unnecessary and did not attract many visitors, this will be also be considered for future projects.

In assessing these factors, the exhibit may have been better viewed or received in a central location or in a more populated area with a more suitable demographic, or perhaps in a locality to the school children. However, for this exhibition the space has worked well, there was minimal cost and it gave the opportunity for the children to take pride in their works on display.

Family and Friends Day

On Saturday 4th May a friends and family day was held, where visitors were given the opportunity to take part in several creative activities; to follow the theme of ‘May the Fourth’ (Star Wars Day) the creative activities were themed around Star Wars, these consisted of;

  • Design a Star Wars Character Face

  • Make a Wookie or Ewok

  • Galactic Stars

  • Yoda Ears

  • Lollipop Stick Lightsabres

  • Design a droid

100 free goody bags were created which consisted of a handmade bookmark detailing an inspiring quote and project logo, a project logo badge along with a Mrs Panda badge, project flyer with blog details, Mrs Panda business card and flyer along with a pre-printed pencil detailing the exhibition date. In hindsight this proved to be a slightly costly exercise for marketing purposes where few bags were taken due to lower than expected attendance.

Branded saleable items were produced consisting of;

  • A4 Sketchbooks selling price £2.00

  • A5 Sketchbooks selling price £1.00

  • A2 Colouring sheets of the group mural selling price £1.00

Design created for the large group artwork colouring wall. A2 versions were sold on the 4th May.

These were purchased by most attendees, however there were several left over, this is learning for future projects as to the quantities produced in relation to expected visitor numbers.

Craft activities all set up, goody bags and saleable items waiting for the guest to arrive.

On initial opening at 11am the gallery was visited by many children and their families. One family in attendance didn’t have any children at the Woodlands but still enjoyed looking round the exhibition and taking part in the activities, there were loyal visitors up until closing, however there were not as many as expected.

Everyone enjoyed the day the group colouring wall was very popular with visitors of all ages.

A press release was submitted to the Great Yarmouth Mercury around 3 weeks before the requested print date, but unfortunately no article was printed this may of had a detrimental affect on visitor numbers as it is felt that advertising the event in the newspaper may have attracted other visitors not directly connected to the school. The exhibition was marketed via the school in the greatest way possible by using printed flyers given to each student around 6 weeks before exhibition date, school website, Facebook page and emails to parents; however only 10 children of the 300+ who took part in the project attended the exhibition. The weather on the day or locality of the gallery may have been a factor or issue resulting in low attendance, thoughts for the future for similar projects would be to approach a school which is closer geographically to the venue; also, perhaps selecting a school whose focus is more on creativity within their curriculum would have produced more supportive attendees.

The families who did attend however enjoyed the day and the took part in all the activities on offer; one family visited and returned later in the day to do more with additional family members.

On reflection the project and event has given rise to several learning opportunities which will be considered for future projects;

  • Look for more cost-effective materials (i.e. use recycled or donated items).

  • Charge for sessions to help cover material costs.

  • Request greater amounts of time with participants to create more in-depth work.

  • Try to gain expected visitor numbers by creating a Facebook event or sending out RSVP invitations. This will help with planning quantities for activities, refreshments, saleable items and goody bags.

  • Only open the event on a weekend or during school holidays if aiming at families.

  • Find a display space closer in locality to project work base or chose project base closer to display space.

  • Selecting a venue which is in a common locality where people regularly visit, is an established area of artistic presence, is manned by the venue or prepare for at least two people to be in attendance.

Although the attendance numbers were slightly disappointing the event appeared to be a success and was greatly enjoyed by all who attended. The visitors were asked to complete a feedback form a selection of responses are below;

Overall the intention behind the project appeared to be a success with all parents finding the display very pleasing and something to be proud of. The children found the gallery fun and appeared to enjoy making all the items on offer, one older sibling of a contributor to the display stated;

“That was actually really good fun, I thought an art exhibition would be boring with just pictures stuck on the walls, but it wasn’t!” (Evan Howell, age 11)


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